News Around Town
An occasional series of posts highlighting events, activities, and programs of interest in town.
What's Happening in Lexington Center? June 2022. A description of the Silva Cell system for tree roots and an accompanying photo series of their installation, by Charlie Wyman. To read, click here.
What's Happening in Lexington Center? June 2022. A description of the Silva Cell system for tree roots and an accompanying photo series of their installation, by Charlie Wyman. To read, click here.
Lexington Department of Public Works: Leading the Way with Electric Landscaping Equipment, October 2021. Summary of Lexington's transition to electric landscaping and leadership to help other towns, by Charlie Wyman. To read, click here.
Lexington Department of Public Works: Leading the Way with Electric Landscaping Equipment, October 2021. Summary of Lexington's transition to electric landscaping and leadership to help other towns, by Charlie Wyman. To read, click here.