Homeowners are rethinking their lawns.
Is a beautiful green carpet of grass worth the time, money, and environmental impact it entails? A monoculture of non-native turf grasses – the centerpiece of suburban landscapes for decades – offers little benefit to wildlife, and the water, fertilizers, and pesticides applied to lawns come with a significant environmental cost.
If you want to get off the perfect-looking, chemically-enhanced lawn treadmill, you have options. They range from more environmentally friendly, non-toxic methods of cultivating traditional lawns, to replacing grass monoculture with native ground covers or more complex, native plant mixes. Click below for our best ideas and resources for each:
Going Organic with a Traditional Lawn
Lawn replacement with native ground covers or more complex, native plant landscapes
A great resource, whichever way you lean, is Dan Jaffe Wilder’s May 2022 Kill Your Lawn presentation for Lexington Living Landscapes.