Landscaping Firms
We have assembled a list of landscaping firms that offer organic methods and/or don't use gas-powered equipment for lawn care in Lexington. If you're looking for a landscaper to maintain your lawn in an environmentally friendly manner, check it out! (We do not charge a fee for this listing.)
If you are wondering why these practices are important, or need help convincing a family member, you'll find answers here:
Why organic? See this Beyond Pesticides fact sheet.
Why avoid gas-powered equipment? The Lexington Noise Advisory Committee lists several resources on this topic; this National Audubon Society article provides a good introduction.
When you contact a landscaper, you might want to explore their willingness to tailor their service package(s) to your particular needs and preferences. For example, most lawns don't need the preemptive grub treatment that comes as part of many standard packages, and you might prefer to treat for grubs only if a problem materializes.
You might also consult the list of firms certified by the Northeast Organic Farming Association’s Organic Land Care Program here. You can sort by state and county.
*If your landscaper is not listed and you think he/she should be, please ask them to get in touch with us ( We’re always looking for landscapers to add to the list.*