Garden Design Professionals
Do you need some professional advice on how to transform your lawn into a native plant garden or deciding which native plants would grow well at your home? Enlisting the help of an experienced garden designer who focuses on native plants can be very helpful. Many of you have been asking where to find this kind of expert help.
We reached out to a number of local landscape designers who tell us they have expertise with native plants and who are either members of the Ecological Landscape Alliance or are listed by Grow Native Massachusetts as having a passion for the latter’s mission. We asked if they’d like to be listed on our page (we do not charge fees for doing so), and we list below those who responded.
We also asked if they’d be willing to come to your house for a one-hour garden walk and consultation for a flat fee of $150 without expectation of further work. For Do-It-Yourselfers, this is an opportunity to ask all those questions that have been on your mind and get a professional’s reaction to your tentative plans. Those who said yes are marked with a “*”.
For other sources of design advice, see our DIY Garden Design page.
[To download our list of garden design professionals, click the "pop out" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the window below, and then click the "download" icon in the upper right of your screen.]