Helpful Organizations
We’re lucky to have several terrific non-profit groups working on native plant gardening and ecological landscaping here in Massachusetts. They offer a range of programs, from educational presentations to plant sales to public policy advocacy to websites packed with good information:
The Massachusetts Pollinator Network, under the umbrella of the Massachusetts chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA), serves as a statewide hub for native pollinator protection, information, and action.
Mystic-Charles Pollinator Pathways links pollinator enthusiasts in Belmont, Arlington, Medford, Lexington and surrounding communities. Formed in 2020 to promote native plants and create more pollinator habitat in our region, they meet monthly on Zoom. Follow them on Facebook.
Native Plant Trust (formerly New England Wild Flower Society)
You may also want to check out the activities of the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust, which in addition to their land conservation and stewardship focus, is creating habitat for endangered bee populations and educating the public through their Lincoln Pollinator Action Plan.
Other organizations (regionally and nationally) supporting this work and with good information are:
● Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
● National Wildlife Federation