Organic LaWn Care
GOING organic with a Traditional Lawn
There are good reasons to go organic with your lawn care and many resources to help you, whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or rely on a lawn care company. On this page, we share educational resources and contact information for local companies that offer this service.
Watch the recent Cary Library webinar by Chip Osborne, a nationally recognized authority on organic turf, sponsored by Lexington Living Landscapes. Chip presents both the rationale for going organic and lots of how-to advice.
Two of our favorites are:
Introduction to Organic Lawns and Yards by Sarah Little, 2016, published by NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) Organic Land Care Program. Available for download here or for purchase in hard copy.
The Organic Lawn Care Manual by Paul Tukey, 2007, published by Storey Publishing. Available from Amazon or your local bookstore.
There's a lot of good information online. A few sites we especially like:
The NOFA Connecticut Chapter launched their Organic Land Care Program a few years ago, sharing online resources about why and how to manage a lawn organically, in addition to the book mentioned above. They also have a training and accreditation program for organic landscapers; see our list of green landscapers below.
Beyond Pesticides is a great organization with lots of good information to share. Chip Osborne is a board member. See their overview on lawns and landscapes.
New York-based Healthy Yards also offers a wealth of helpful advice and resources.
The Town of Needham, Massachusetts has published a helpful how-to guide for converting lawns to organic.
Lawn Care Tips
There are several low-impact, high-benefit practices you can use to maintain your lawn. See Pam's Easy Lawn Care Tips, from one of our steering committee members, to learn more.
Lawn Maintenance Firms Servicing Lexington
Do you want to hire a lawn care company that will use environmentally friendly methods in caring for your property? We've compiled a list of such firms to help you locate one.